What is Triphala Used For?

What is Triphala used for?

Triphala is used as a medicine for more than 1000 years. This herbal preparation consists of three medicinal plants originating from India. It is the basis of traditional Ayurvedic medicine, one of the world's oldest medical systems that originated in India more than 3,000 years ago. Because of its many purported health benefits, Triphala has become increasingly popular around the world.

U ayurvedskoj medicini Triphala se smatra tridoshic rasayanom. This means that Triphala supports all three doshas: air / space, fire / water and water / earth. Doshas are the elements responsible for physical, mental and emotional health. In Sanskrit, Triphala means "three fruits". Triphala is a combination of just that: Amle, Bibhitaki and Haritaki. It is available in the form of powder, juice, tincture, extract, capsules or tablets.

Many of the possible health benefits of Triphala can be attributed to its laxative effect, ie the ability to "cleanse the system".. In lower doses, Triphala acts as a tonic for the intestines to relieve gas and promote digestion. It can also be used in higher doses as a laxative.

What is Triphala?

The word Triphala it consists of two words - three + phala - meaning three fruits. It is so named because the herbal blend consists of three dried fruits native to India, namely Amla (Emblica Officinalis), Bibhitaki (Terminalia chebula) and Haritaki (Terminalia chebula). Triphala is considered a polybial medicine, which means that it consists of several different medicinal plants. Polybyl formulations are popular in Ayurvedic medicines because combining synergistic herbs is believed to result in increased therapeutic effects and benefits.

The three basic ingredients are:


Also known as Phyllanthus Emblica or Gooseberry, Amalaki is a rich source of vitamin C. One Amalaki fruit contains approximately 3000 mg of vitamin C. Amalaki is added to Triphala because of its ability regulating blood sugar levels, strengthening the immune system and detoxifying the mouth as well as the liver.


Another fruit used in making Triphala is Bibhitaki, or Terminalia bellirica, and it is known for its healing effects on the lungs. Bibhitaki helps the body eliminate Kapha dosha by helping to expel water from the lungs, urinary and digestive tract. Bibhitaki is too good at fighting bacterial and viral infections, regulating your body weight and blood sugar levels.


The third fruit, Haritaki, has the scientific name Terminalia chebula. Haritaki addresses the translucent Vata dosha in the body. It strengthens your immune system, is known for its laxative properties and helps regenerate body tissues. Haritaki is also associated with helping with heart disease, ulcers, asthma and more.

What is Triphala used for?

It can help in weight loss

Triphala is a powerful detoxifier. It helps expel toxins from the stomach, small and large intestines. The mixture also acts as a colon toner and helps strengthen and tone the colon tissue, which keeps your digestive system healthy. A healthy digestive system speeds up the digestive process, helps fight constipation and helps you manage weight.

What is Triphala used for?

It can fight cancer

In a laboratory study, this Ayurvedic mixture has also been shown to be effective in suppressing the growth of cancerous cells, the Times of India points out. A compound present in it can inhibit the growth of lymphoma, as well as stomach and pancreatic cancer. Triphala contains powerful antioxidants such as gallic acid and polyphenols that are believed to help fight cancer.

It can reduce inflammation in the body

Triphala contains several antioxidants that perform protective functions in the body. It is full of compounds like flavonoids, polyphenols, tannins and saponins that can help fight oxidative stress caused by free radicals and prevent you from chronic diseases. Regular consumption of Triphala has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, certain cancers, diabetes, arthritis and premature aging.

It can protect against dental problems

Triphala has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that can protect you from several dental problems. It can prevent the formation of plaque, caries and gingivitis. According to clinical studies, rinsing with Triphala mouthwash can prevent plaque and fungal infection. Its antioxidant properties can also heal sores in the mouth.

What are the benefits of Triphale for skin and hair?

Rejuvenates the skin: Triphala powder is enriched with antioxidants and vitamin C which makes the skin soft, smooth and hydrated. It helps reduce wrinkles on the skin by keeping it well connected to the collagen content. It rejuvenates the skin by reducing the bacteria that cause acne and pimples.

Triphala, which is a powerful tonic, does wonders for your body hair by stimulating the roots and follicles in the scalp and promoting hair growth. One of the three ingredients of triphala, amla, helps maintain the optimal pH balance in your scalp, as well as making your hair strong and healthy. Hair tonics that contain triphala as an active ingredient help treat scalp problems and eliminate dandruff. This activity is due to the presence of bibhitaka, which has antifungal and antibacterial properties.

Triphala - side effects

Triphala is an herbal medicine that is safe to consume and it rarely has side effects. But some people may experience some reaction after consuming it. Consuming excess Triphala can lead to diarrhea and abdominal discomfort.

Even pregnant and breastfeeding women should be careful while consuming this herbal remedy. They should consult their doctors first to avoid any complications. If you are taking blood thinners, avoid this mixture because amla, one of the main components of Triphale, can increase the risk of bleeding and bruising.

Triphala should not be given to children. There are no scientific studies on the use of Triphala in these populations, and its safety cannot be guaranteed.

How to use Triphala?

Triphala is available in many forms, including capsules, powder or liquid. Preporučuje se uzimanje Triphale između obroka na prazan želudac radi maksimalne apsorpcije. Obično se preporučene doze kreću od 500 mg do jednog grama dnevno, iako se veće količine mogu koristiti za liječenje simptoma kao što je zatvor, ističe Healthline. Verzije u prahu mogu se pomiješati s toplom vodom i medom i uzimati prije jela. Ovaj prah se također može pomiješati s gheejem, vrstom pročišćenog maslaca i dodati toploj vodi za umirujući napitak.

Osim toga, može se pomiješati s medom kako bi se dobila jestiva pasta. Velike doze mogu uzrokovati probavne simptome poput proljeva, stoga je najbolje početi s manjom dozom i postupno napredovati do preporučenog unosa.

Iako se Triphala smatra sigurnom za većinu ljudi, provjerite sa svojim liječnikom prije uzimanja kako biste osigurali sigurnost i pravilnu upotrebu.

Triphala juice can be diluted with water to make a mouthwash. The powder is sometimes mixed with coconut or jojoba oil for use in scalp and hair treatments. When measuring Triphala powder or juice, always use a measuring spoon instead of cutlery. Triphala tinctures and extracts are usually dispensed with a dropper.

Where to buy Triphala capsules

You can consume this plant in four different ways

Triphala prah s hladnom vodom:

Dodajte 1 žlicu Triphala praha u čašu vode i ostavite preko noći. Ujutro popijte mješavinu.

Triphala u prahu s medom i cimetom:

Dodajte žličicu Triphala praha u čašu vode i ostavite preko noći. Ujutro ovoj smjesi dodajte žlicu meda i pola žličice meda i popijte.

Triphala tableta (kapsula):

Popijte jednu tabletu s toplom vodom navečer prije spavanja.

Triphala čaj:

Također možete napraviti Triphala čaj koristeći Triphala prah. Za pripremu čaja dodajte žlicu Triphala praha u šalicu vruće vode. Ostavite smjesu da odstoji 10 minuta, a zatim popijte topli napitak.

Triphala – doziranje

Obično se preporučene doze kreću od 500 mg do jednog grama dnevno. Svakako provjerite preporuke proizvođača.

Triphala – iskustva

Česta iskustva s triphalom su lijepa koža, smanjenje pigmentacije i akni, poboljšano zdravlje crijeva, i gubitak kilograma.

  1. Detoksificira crijeva

Prema dr. Batri, triphala pomaže prirodnom unutarnjem čišćenju koje detoksificira naša crijeva. To, pak, pomaže u probavi i sprječava zatvor poboljšavajući rad crijeva.

  1. Jači imunitet

Kombinacija triju plodova čini moćan biljni lijek koji štiti i bori se protiv svake infekcije. Triphala hrani tijelo hranjivim tvarima što pomaže u jačanju imuniteta.

  1. Može riješiti probleme s kožom

Triphala je bogat izvor antioksidansa i protuupalne je prirode. Antioksidansi u triphali bore se protiv raznih kožnih infekcija i pomažu u smanjenju bakterija koje uzrokuju akne, dajući vam meku i podatnu kožu.

  1. To je prirodni laksativ

“Triphala je prirodni laksativ i može se koristiti za liječenje kroničnog zatvora. Za razliku od drugih laksativa, triphala ne izaziva ovisnost i ne čini vas ovisnima”, objašnjava dr. Batra.

  1. Pomaže u mršavljenju

Pravilna eliminacija otpada i probava dva su važna čimbenika koji doprinose održavanju vaše težine. Triphala savršeno radi ovaj posao. Uključivanje triphale u vaš program mršavljenja može biti od velike pomoći. Triphala vam također pomaže da se osjećate sito lučeći kolecistokinin, hormon koji signalizira mozgu da ste siti.

  1. Blagotvorno djeluje na oči!

Triphala keeps your eyes healthy and keeps your vision sharp. It also protects you from several eye diseases like glaucoma, conjunctivitis and cataracts. To reap its benefits, you can consume it orally or use triphala water as an eye wash. But before you do that, consult your doctor.

Gdje kupiti Triphala kapsule?

Ayurvedske kapsule Triphala možete kupiti u Be pure online trgovini here.

Triphala is an ancient Ayurvedic treatment that has become a popular herbal remedy for many ailments. Studies show that it can help prevent inflammation, and studies in test tubes have shown a possible protective effect against certain cancers. It is also used as a natural alternative treatment for constipation and dental problems such as excess plaque and gingivitis. It can even help with weight loss. With so many alleged health benefits, Triphala can be a valuable natural remedy, he states Healthline.









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