14 Make-up Looks If You Have Blue Eyes

Za mnoge ljude, oči su prozori duše, a također su i neke od naših omiljenih

How to highlight green eyes? 18 make-up looks with which your eyes will be in the foreground

Zelene oči često imaju zlatno smeđe ili morsko plave mrlje, što ih čini svestranom podlogom

Makeup That Will Make Brown Eye Pop - 16 Makeup Looks

Od neutralnih do jarkih boja, kreativnost u šminkanju može doista pomoći smeđim očima da zablistaju

How to Put Make-up Nicely Guide - 7 Simple Steps

If you want to try this minimalist makeup look and nurture your beauty as well as imperfections, we are here to help.

11 Simple Natural Looks - Makeup for Every Day

Što se šminke tiče, ponekad manje je više. Glamurozni izgled je dobar, ali jednostavno nije

Cruelty-free Brands List

This list only includes brands that you can be sure are cruelty-free.

What is Cruelty-free Product or Product Without Cruelty?

Often as I walk through the mall, I am stopped by a girl with testers of various cosmetic products. They are mostly perfumes.

What is Carmine in Cosmetics and Where Does it Come From?

Red lipstick is a common make-up product of almost every woman. The color of red lips looks irresistible and emphasizes the lips.

Which Ingredients in Cosmetics Should Be Avoided? - Complete guide

Although there are more and more natural cosmetics on the market, we find terms in the description of products that are foreign to us, have long names or are impossible.

6 Certificates of Natural Cosmetic Products that You Must Know About

There are more and more cosmetic products that are declared "natural" on the market, also a term "Natural cosmetics" it is also increasingly used in society, but we know less and less what the term means.

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