Kako Početi Prijelaz na Cruelty-free Kozmetiku? – 6 Jednostavnih Koraka

How to start the transition to cruelty free cosmetics in 6 simple steps

With all the beauty brands available on the market, switching to cosmetics without animal cruelty can be confusing. How to start?

Start small and realize that it is a process. Don't rush. Take it one step at a time. The biggest advice is not to rush the change and take it one step at a time. Keep in mind that adding any cruelty-free product to your routine is great.

As you use up products, replace them with cruelty free options. You don't need to throw away everything you currently own. Don't feel like you need to replace everything at once. Some people find it really easy to find substitutes for all their beauty products. Others take a while. This can be due to the need to research brands, the lack of availability of cruelty-free brands in stores in your area, not knowing where to shop online, not having the financial means to buy a lot of new cosmetics at once, or simply looking for cruelty-free products that work well for you.

Replace products as you use them up, i.e. on the go. As you run out of current products, start trying new cruelty-free options. In some cases, you may be able to find a new cruelty-free favorite right away, but other products may take longer. Don't feel guilty! It is a process that takes time. For many, the best way is to research brands and products while using what they already have. Buy cruelty-free products along the way or when you run out.

Find a support system to help you get started cruelty free. Websites, blogs and YouTube help a lot! It could also be social networks. You could use hashtags on Instagram (like #crueltyfreecosmetics, #bepurebeyou) to find new products and profiles to follow.

In the Be pure store you can feel safe and relaxed because all products are cruelty free, and you can always ask us whatever is bothering you. Send us an inquiry on e-mail, Facebook or Instagram. 

Watch the transition to cruelty free as a fun adventure! You will find so many new brands and try so many new products. If some of the products do not suit you, give them to your friends!

Testiranje na životinjama postoji 2021. godine. Neke od tih tvrtki testiraju na životinjama same ili niz njihov opskrbni lanac, dok neke dopuštaju provođenje ispitivanja na životinjama na njihovim proizvodima u Kini.Zašto prijeći na kozmetiku bez okrutnosti? U svijetu svake godine u pokusima na životinjama pati i umre 100.000 do 200.000 životinja. Najčešće se koriste životinje zečevi, miševi, štakori i zamorčići, ali koriste se i psi. Te životinje nisu ništa drugo nego alati za eksperimentiranje i pate u bolnim testovima. Na kraju testa životinja se ubija, obično gušenjem, lomljenjem vrata ili odrubljivanjem glave. Jedini razlog zašto postoje pokusi na životinjama je taj što su pokusi na životinjama jeftiniji od alternativa koje nisu životinje, iako su zapravo manje precizni. Jednostavno nema potrebe za testiranjem na životinjama u 21. stoljeću. Više o tome read why to start the transition to cruelty free cosmetics in this blog article.

cruelty free cosmetics

Will going cruelty free make a difference? In the end, companies care about one thing: money. If you go the cruelty-free route, you boycott brands that test on animals and let them know that their unethical practices are unacceptable. If enough people boycott them, it will affect their profits, and only then will they consider cruelty-free. We really can make an impact together. The number of cruelty-free brands is growing every year!

How to know what a cruelty free product to find here. The term "no cruelty" is not regulated. This means that any company can claim that there is no cruelty without getting into legal trouble if it is not cruelty free. Since every brand wants to show a picture of kindness to animals and the planet, it is crucial to check their claims. The brand may claim to be cruelty free, but they test on animals where required by law and sell in China. It is extremely misleading, although unfortunately it is legal.

What does it mean that a company can be completely without cruelty? It is not enough for a company to confirm that it does not test on animals itself, because companies work with suppliers and use ingredients from other companies. They also work with third parties who may test their products on their behalf (ie in China). Brands that are truly cruel must confirm that animal testing, from ingredients to the finished product, is not involved at any time, and that no third party is testing animals on their behalf.

Is animal testing still necessary in China? From 2020 no company can sell cosmetics in mainland China stores without being cruelty free, that is, without cruelty to animals. Although it is possible for brands to circumvent animal testing laws in China, there is still a risk of after-sales animal testing.

Važni aspekti na koje treba obratiti pažnju: Animal testing regulations do not affect products sold online, only those sold in stores. A company can sell to China via e-commerce and be cruelty free. Hong Kong is not part of mainland China. Therefore, the products can be sold in Hong Kong stores and be cruelty free. Products made in China can be cruelty-free. Animal testing laws apply to products sold in China that are not made in China.

What symbols and certificates should I look for? Look for it Leaping bunny certificate or Choose Cruelty free, PETA. These are the official symbols of the organizations.  

cruelty free cosmetics certificates

Want to make a bigger impact? Giving up cruelty is the biggest step you can take when it comes to helping end animal testing. But if you want to take it to the next level, here's what you can do. Share this post and all cruelty-free content. Let your friends know and spread the word on social media!

Here are 6 tips for switching to cruelty-free products!

1. Znanje je moć – istražujte

Važno je znati na što treba obratiti pažnju i koji brendovi provode testiranja na životinjama. Prvi korak da postanete svjesniji je saznati koje marke testiraju na životinjama. Brzo pretraživanje Googlea s ključnim riječima “Da li X brend testira na životinjama”, ili možete provjeriti ovaj PETA – Companies That Do Not Test on Animals,popis tvrtki koje NE provode testiranja na životinjama. Također, postoje bloggerice i youtuberice koje pišu o takvim temama, na primjer Logical Harmony or Cruelty Free Kitty.

Ako niste sigurni u istinitost brenda, provjerite simbole na proizvodu o kojima smo već pisali u našem blog postu – What is Cruelty-free Product or Product Without Cruelty?

Once you start your cruelty free journey and start researching, you will come across so many terms that will overwhelm you. It can be cruelty free but not vegan or vice versa. Or you'll come across brands that outright lie about their animal testing policies. It can all be very confusing, so it's important to take small, incremental steps. Remember it's a journey!

2. Provjerite svoju trenutnu zbirku kozmetike

Možda ćete biti iznenađeni koliko već posjedujete proizvoda i brendova koji su cruelty-free. Možda ćete biti malo tužni ako saznate da se neki od vaših najdražih proizvoda moraju dodati na popis osuđenih. Ali, budite pozitivni, možda već posjedujete i volite neke od cruelty-free proizvoda, poznajete brendove i znate gdje ih kupiti.

3. Dok iskoristite proizvode, zamijenite ih cruelty-free opcijama

Umjesto da bacite poluiskorištene proizvode, jer ih je napravio brand koji provodi testiranja na životinjama, nemojte bacati ništa – poštujte okoliš! Svi znamo da se kemikalije ne bi trebale sipati u sudoper i da plastični spremnici uvijek trebaju ići u koš za smeće. Ako ne želite do kraja potrošiti proizvode, donirajte ih prijateljima.

Ako ćete ipak iskoristiti proizvod do kraja, za vrijeme korištenja, istražujte brendove koji su dobri prema životinjama, prema okolišu i prema vašem zdravlju i zabavite se! Zamjenjujte proizvode polako, prepoznajte da je za promjenu na cruelty-free potrebno vrijeme.

Throwing away all cruelty-free cosmetics is not a good idea. Slowly replace your makeup and beauty products with cruelty-free ones. Whenever you empty the packaging of any non-cruelty-free product from your stash, switch to a cruelty-free one by doing some quick research on the Internet.

4. Pronađite podršku koja će vam pomoći

Pronalaženje izvora s kojim ste zadovoljni i koji će vas potaknuti na život bez okrutnosti je doista važno. Jednom kada započnete s istraživanjem proizvoda bez okrutnosti, sigurno ćete se zbuniti! Dakle, najbolje je ako počnete tražiti logotipe bez okrutnosti poput logotipa Leaping Bunny, PETA-in logotip bez okrutnosti i logotip Choose Cruelty-Free. Ne možete slijepo slijediti PETA jer on akreditira neke marke koje prodaju u Kini gdje je testiranje na životinjama obvezno po zakonu. Istražite!

But what if a brand that claims to be cruelty-free doesn't have a bunny logo? Companies must pay an additional fee to be able to display the cruelty-free symbol on their product. And that's why you'll come across products that are Leaping Bunny or PETA certified but don't have the logo on their product. And if you can't find brands in those databases, chances are they don't mind or aren't aware of getting certified. This is especially the case with smaller brands.

You can also find help on websites, channels such as YouTube, where there is a lot of information on the subject, and Facebook groups. Or even, you can use hashtags on Instagram (eg #crueltyfreemakeup or #crueltyfreecosmetic). There are so many resources to help you along the way.

Kada kupujete vani ili samo istražujete nove proizvode obavite Google pretraživanje za bilo koji brend s kojim niste upoznati. To je jedan od najboljih načina da povećate poznavanje brenda i provjerite je li ono što želite kupiti zadovoljava vaše cruelty free zahtjeve.

5. Gledajte put prema kozmetičkim proizvodima bez okrutnosti kao zabavnu avanturu

Najbolji dio na cruelty-free putu je zabava upoznavanja novih brendova, proizvoda i stavljanja novca na mjesta koja će podupirati kompanije s dobrom etikom. Vidjet ćete da netko drugi vjerojatno ima onu nijansu crvenog ruža koju volite, a koja nije testirana na životinjama i bolja je za zemlju, životinje i za vas! A naći ćete i puno novih nijansi koje su slične. Zato se zabavite i istražite svijet ljepote bez okrutnosti!

Explore! But what does that even mean? If after looking through different databases and blogs you can't find the status of your favorite brand, take the initiative yourself and send an inquiry to that brand! Ask them if they test on animals or retail in mainland China! In this process, be polite even if you don't get your answers.

6. Zatražite od prijatelja i obitelji poklone bez okrutnosti

If your friends and family like to give you beauty products during holidays and birthdays, kindly tell them that you would prefer cosmetics that are not tested on animals. You can also give them a list of cruelty-free brands that you like. Who knows, maybe they too might become inclined to switch their cosmetics supply to cruelty-free.

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