Deodorant With and Without Baking Soda - What's the Difference?

Deodorant with and without baking soda, what's the difference?

Almost anyone can use baking soda – but finding the right amount of deodorant for you is the key to happy underarms. If you ever find that a red rash appears after use natural deodorant, the culprit could be baking soda. This is not an 'allergy' to baking soda (in most cases), it is caused by changing the pH of your skin because baking soda is alkaline.

If you have already experienced irritation from this ingredient, you may find that a similar deodorant (which still contains baking soda, but in a lower percentage) is just fine. Some can use higher concentrations of baking soda without problems, others can use it infrequently and occasionally, some not at all.

Our bodies are constantly changing. Things like hormones, stress, alcohol, diet and lifestyle affect our chemistry. Understandably, the pH balance of sensitive skin can also change.

Why switch to natural deodorant?

Traditional deodorants and antiperspirants are designed to reduce body odor and moisture, but some they contain ingredients that could be harmful, cause irritation or even worsen the smell of your armpits in the long run. They even can change the pH balance to make the armpits a sauna suitable for bacteria.

What makes deodorant natural?

Except they avoid synthetic and artificial ingredients, natural deodorants usually have three components:

  • ingredients with disinfectant or antibacterial properties, such as coconut oil and tea tree oil
  • essential oils like lavender, sandalwood or bergamot for a pleasant scent
  • naturally absorbent ingredients such as baking soda, magnesium, arrowroot (aru powder) or corn starch to fight moisture

Natural deodorants will not clog the sweat glands like traditional antiperspirants, however they do not contain the often worrying ingredient aluminum.

What ingredients absorb sweat?

Baking soda has a very high pH at about 9, while the protective acid coating our skin around 4.5 pH. This is one of the reasons why some people find that it causes skin irritation and redness in deodorant.

Arrowroot powder or cornstarch helps to gently absorb moisture under the armpits and thickening the product. When sweat hits bacteria on the skin, it causes an unpleasant odor. Adding antimicrobial ingredients helps solve this problem.

What are the benefits of using baking soda as a deodorant?

Baking soda is well known for its ability to absorb odors. For example, if you have a bad odor in the refrigerator, leaving an open box of baking soda in the refrigerator can help you get rid of the unpleasant odor. This ability to absorb odors has led to baking soda becoming a popular option as a natural deodorant.

Although studies have been conducted on the benefits of baking soda in general, there is very little scientific research that would specifically support its use as an armpit deodorant. The reported benefits are based on anecdotal evidence from people who used it to combat their body odor.

One study suggests that baking soda can have antimicrobial benefits, which could potentially mean it has the ability to fight bacteria that cause bad breath under your hands, he points out Healthline. There are other potential benefits to using baking soda instead of conventional deodorant. This is especially the case for people who are sensitive to chemicals and ingredients used in many commercial deodorants, such as:

Aluminum: Some people are concerned that absorbing aluminum from deodorants may increase their risk of breast cancer and other cancers. However, the same cannot be said with certainty, according to Healthline. 

Parabens: Although research is still ongoing, some early studies show that parabens found in beauty and personal care products may increase the risk of cancerous skin damage. (Healthline)

Triclosan: This ingredient can disrupt some types of hormones.

Artificial colors: They may cause skin irritation.

deodorant with baking soda

How to make deodorant with baking soda?



  • 2 + 1/2 tablespoons unrefined coconut oil
  • 2 + 1/2 tablespoons unrefined shea butter
  • 1/4 cup arrowroot powder (aru powder)
  • 1 + 1/2 tablespoons baking soda
  • 6 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 6 drops of grapefruit essential oil
  • 1 drop of tea tree essential oil (optional) *


  • Place the coconut oil and shea butter in a glass jar or jar and place the pan / jar in a medium cooking pot. Add water to the pot (enough to surround the bowl / jar, but not to overflow) and bring to a boil.
  • As the water heats up, stir in the coconut oil and shea butter and continue until dissolved. When dissolved, add arrowroot powder, baking soda and essential oils. Pour into a jar and allow to cool to room temperature or in the refrigerator (it will harden faster in the refrigerator) until it reaches a solid state. Cover with a lid until use.
  • Directions for use: Remove the amount with your fingers and rub between your fingers before applying it directly to the armpits. For a regular day, one application in the morning should be enough. On hot days, workouts or if you are particularly sweaty, feel free to put on as needed.

What are the disadvantages of baking soda in deodorant?

As a deodorant, baking soda can help neutralize odors. But this advantage could come at a price if you have sensitive skin. If you have dry or sensitive skin, you may be more prone to the following side effects if you use baking soda under your hands: redness, rash, itching, flaking of the skin.

The drying effect of baking soda is probably due to its alkalinity. A pH of 7.0 and above is considered alkaline, and baking soda drops somewhere around 9.0 on the pH scale. According to the research, healthy skin is more acidic, with a pH of about 5.0. So when you apply alkaline a substance like baking soda, it could disrupt the natural pH level of your skin. One way to avoid possible side effects is to test the sensitivity of your skin to baking soda before applying deodorant. This is called a patch test. You can do a patch test by taking a small amount of baking soda and applying it to a small area of ​​skin, like the inside of an elbow. Then wait up to 48 hours to see if your skin will develop any reaction or irritation.

Natural deodorant with baking soda - experiences

According to our criteria, it is important to us that natural deodorant is effective throughout the day, that it contains safe ingredients that are not harmful, controls odor, vegan and cruelty-free, and that it has a pleasant smell that is not too intense. Natural deodorant with baking soda meets all the above criteria. It works great for people who don't have sensitive skin! Our experience is that they prevent unpleasant odors, even if you sweat more than usual.

However, you should be more careful after shaving with a razor. If applied immediately after shaving, it causes stinging. We recommend that you do not apply it immediately after shaving, but after a few hours. For example, shave before bed and apply deodorant in the morning.

Please note that our skin is not sensitive to baking soda. And these are natural deodorants with baking soda that we adore:

What are the alternatives to natural deodorant without baking soda?

If baking soda causes dryness, itching, or irritation to your skin, consider trying other natural deodorants, such as: apple cider vinegar, diluted in water, coconut oil, corn starch shea butter, tea tree oil or other essential oils diluted in base oil.

Magnesium in natural deodorant

Since approximately 60% of chemicals applied to the skin can be absorbed directly into the body, careful consideration of the deodorant content is crucial for personal health. Studies have shown that magnesium hydroxide is not absorbed into the skin, points out Garrisonminerals. Instead, its main purpose in natural deodorant is to suppress any bacteria that cause odor on the surface of the skin without affecting the dermis - the layer of skin that contains sweat glands, pores and hair follicles.

Unlike baking soda, magnesium hydroxide balances the body's natural pH while killing odor-causing bacteria without reducing skin moisture or causing skin damage.

Magnesium deodorant is ideal for anyone who is unsure of baking soda or has had a reaction to it. Magnesium hydroxide is used in many natural deodorants and is also used as a substitute for aluminum. While aluminum is absorbed into the skin, magnesium remains on the surface of the skin and counteracts bacteria that cause unpleasant odors. Magnesium is gentler than baking soda, making it a great alternative if you have very acidic sweat.

Baking soda-free deodorants often use magnesium hydroxide, magnesium oxide, magnesium sulfate, or magnesium citrate. Magnesium oxide is also used as a laxative and as a deodorant. Ultimately, baking soda and magnesium deodorants are equally effective, but since our bodies change frequently, one day you could use baking soda deodorant and the next day deodorant without baking soda.

deodorant without baking soda

How to make a natural deodorant without baking soda?



  • 2 žlice prague by arrowroot prague (aru prah)
  • 2 tablespoons shea butter
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil
  • half a teaspoon of magnesium hydroxide powder
  • Up to 15 drops of lavender essential oil (or any other essential oil)


  • Place the coconut oil and shea butter in a glass jar or jar and place the pan / jar in a medium cooking pot. Add water to the pot (enough to surround the bowl / jar, but not to overflow) and bring to a boil.
  • As the water heats up, stir in the coconut oil and shea butter and continue until dissolved. When dissolved, add arrowroot powder, magnesium hydroxide and essential oil. Pour into a jar and allow to cool to room temperature or in the refrigerator (it will harden faster in the refrigerator) until it reaches a solid state. Cover with a lid until use.
  • Directions for use: Remove the amount with your fingers and rub between your fingers before applying it directly to the armpits. For a regular day, one application in the morning should be enough. On hot days, workouts or if you are particularly sweaty, feel free to put on as needed.

Natural deodorant without baking soda - experiences

Unlike our experience with natural deodorant with baking soda, natural deodorant without baking soda, or with magnesium meets all our criteria, but in a gentler way. It is effective all day and prevents unpleasant odors, has a creamy texture, is not harmful to the skin and can be applied immediately after shaving.

We use both deodorants alternately, one day we use with baking soda, while the next day we choose the one without baking soda.

These are our favorite deodorants without baking soda, or with magnesium:


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