4 Hair Masks You Must Try

4 Hair Masks You Must Try

Are you constantly bothered by curly strands, itchy and dry hair, hair loss or tangled hair? Do not worry! These hair problems are common. In fact, these hair problems are a signal that you need to start taking better care of your hair. Hair as well as skin needs regular nourishment; the best way to do this is to use a hair mask. Ayurveda works wonders for beauty in a natural way. These hair masks are powdered and mixed with water until a paste texture is obtained.

What is a hair mask?

Sometimes your hair craves extra kindness and attention. Hair masks are nothing but a richer version of body lotion. Hair straighteners, styling products, dyes with toxic dyes, UV rays, pollution and other natural conditions - all of these factors can cause serious hair damage. Ali – evo našeg viteza u sjajnom oklopu – maske za kosu! Maske za tretman kose pomažu u smanjenju lomljenja kose i čine kosu zdravom iz udobnosti vašeg doma. To je intenzivan tretman koji pomaže u liječenju oštećene kose. Maska za kosu uključuje bogate sastojke poput prirodnih ulja, maslaca, i biljaka s hranjivijim sastojcima u visokim koncentracijama u usporedbi s vašim uobičajenim regeneratorima. Omekšava i vraća vlagu te daje sjaj vašim pramenovima u nekoliko minuta.

What are the benefits of using a hair mask?

As already mentioned, a hair mask is a deep regeneration treatment that contains more nutrients than most hair conditioners. Deep conditioning of your hair is very important, especially in winter and summer. The hair mask helps add moisture to the hair and also prevents breakage, making it thicker and more robust. They even have the potential to restore moisture to your dry hair and keep the color of colored hair. The best part is that you can get a great hair care treatment in the comfort of your own home. Here are the key ones the benefits you will feel after adding hair masks to your hair care routine.

  • Smoothes hair and restores shine
  • Repairs damaged hair and hair breakage
  • Intensively moisturizes
  • Protects hair color
  • Restores moisture to dry hair
  • Stimulates hair growth
  • Corrects split ends
  • Makes your hair strong
  • The result is a healthier scalp
Koje su prednosti koristenja maske za kosu

1. Mask for volume, strengthening and hair growth

The Indian gooseberry Amla in Ayurveda it is considered “the fruit of eternal youth and beauty”. This super fruit sadrži bogatu porciju vitamina C, minerala i antioksidansa. Ima anti-age učinak na vašu kosu. U Indiji se Amla tradicionalno koristi protiv gubitka kose i preranog sjedenja.

Amla contains many essential fatty acids that infiltrate the follicles, making hair softer, shinier and with more volume. Potiče rast kose zbog visokog sadržaja željeza i karotena. Amla daje vašoj kosi volumen i sprječava sjedenje prema Ayurvedskoj tradiciji i to potpuno prirodno. Duga kosa dobiva renewed energy, and even grey hairs benefit from the melanin production stimulated by the power of the Amla berry.

This hair mask contains 100% pure and the finest Amla.

Read more about Amla for health, skin and hair benefits in the blog article here.

2. Mask for hydration and shiny hair - goodbye to lifeless and cracked hair!

Ayurvedic hair mask Deep shine shikakai gives your hair shine and protects it from split ends and dryness, lifeless hair according to Ayurvedic tradition and completely natural. In Indian Shikakai znači “voće za kosu” i znači intenzivna hidratacija, sjaj i prirodna podatnost.

Some of the main advantages of Shikakai for hair are:

1. Adds shine and softness - The natural ingredients of shikakai make your hair softer and give it a beautiful shine.

2. Shikakai powder repairs porous areas, forms a protective layer on hair and shine to the tops - goodbye, split ends!

3. Fight dandruff - The anti-fungal properties of shikakai nourish your scalp and prevent itching and dryness. If used regularly, shikakai can cure dandruff.

4. Gives you stronger, thicker hair - Shikakai strengthens hair roots. The result is stronger and healthier hair with less hair loss.

5. Prevents scalp dryness - Shikakai works its magic on dry scalp by acting as a natural cleanser without rinsing out drying out.

6. Delays gray hair - Shikakai can actually slow down and delay the appearance of gray hair, allowing you to maintain the natural youth of your hair for a long time.

7. Gently untangles hair - If you have curly hair, shikakai is a great way to untangle strands.

This mask contains 100% Shikakai from organic farming. You can combine the mask with other hair masks depending on your needs.

dubinska maska za kosu obnavljanje kose

3. Mask for colored and damaged hair

Mask which reveals the true condition of your hair, which is often concealed by conventional products!

Ayurvedic Detox hair mask khadi Deep cleansing with charcoal učinkovito i nježno uklanja ostatke silikona i stilskog oblikovanja kose prema ayurvedskoj tradiciji i to potpuno prirodno.  Tajna: aktivni ugljen Amla – apsolutna inovacija na tržištu koja se već tisućama godina koristi kao tajni sastojak Ayurvede. 

Silikonski i konvencionalni proizvodi za oblikovanje kose omotaju vašu kosu gotovo poput plastičnog filma i sprječavaju pravilno prianjanje prirodnih boja za kosu. Maska za kosu koja dubinski čisti, Duboko čišćenje ugljenom, uklanja ovu “plastičnu vrećicu” s vaše kose i vlasišta. Nakon čišćenja, pigmenti boje mogu se optimalno upiti u dlaku kose – for brilliant, lasting and intensive color. 

If you don’t need coloring, but still want to switch to natural hair care, then the Ayurvedic Deep Charcoal Cleanse hair mask is still perfect to pre-treat your hair and scalp and remove old products.

4. Hair Renewal Mask - Renew your hair with henna

Henna was originally used for hair care, not only as a natural color, but also for solving various other hair problems such as hair loss, dandruff, itchy scalp. Henna can and is often used to stimulate hair growth.

Benefits of henna for hair growth:

  1. Maintains scalp health

Henna has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It can be cooling for the scalp and help maintain scalp health. Inhibits the growth of Malassezia, the fungus that causes dandruff.

  1. It balances oil production and pH levels

Henna not only prevents problems like dandruff, but is also a great ingredient for balancing oil production and the pH of your scalp. It removes excess oil from your hair and also restores the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands.

  1. Promotes hair growth and reduces hair loss

A study found that henna helped reduce hair loss. It also prevents split ends, reduces hair damage and improves scalp health. Improved scalp health odčepljivanje pora i uravnotežena pH razina mogu zaustaviti gubitak kose i potaknuti zdrav rast kose.

  1. Fixes and strengthens hair

The nutrients in henna help nourish your hair while repairing damage. Research shows that henna reduces cracked ends, hair loss and hair damage, making hair strong.

  1. It is a natural hair conditioner

Kana je regenerator koji održava kosu vlažnom i uklanja višak sebuma. Može biti posebno koristan kada se koristi u pakiranju za kosu u kombinaciji s drugim hidratantnim sastojcima. Henna helps minimize problems such as hair breakage and cracked ends.

Khadi Sena / Cassia Hair is a colorless henna gives shine, volume and vitality to your hair and brings out your natural hair color to the fullest.. Kao prirodni tretman kose, Sena/Kasija jača i regenerates your hair structure. Active substances from the leaves of the Sena plant encase your lengths and tips gently and fill up small damages. It gives your hair moisture and lets your color shine brightly. 100% natural hair care is vegan - without silicone, sulfates and walking ingredients.

You can mix Khadi Sena with any other khadi ayurvedic hair mask, for example khadi ayurvedic hair mask The power of amla.




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